Monday, February 13, 2012


The 2011-2012 waterfowl season drew to a close on Sunday, February 12th. We had an incredible season in spite of warm weather and a less than impressive Canada goose migration.

The decoys are in storage. The blinds and pits are cleaned and secured until next fall.  As usual, my good friends from Park City, Eric Lobdell, Jeff Sporley, Garrett Klein and "The Polish Pistol" David Kalinski were here to help with the cleanup. We hunted in the mornings and then put things away in the afternoon.

I am off to Fairbury in a couple of days to prepare for the spring snow goose season and the turkey season. My Administrative Staff and apprentice Brayden are off to Phoenix for a couple of weeks for a well deserved vacation.

I will post a more complete wrap-up at a later date.

Thank you for a great season!

Eric, Jeff, Joe, Polish Pistol, Garrett