Monday, February 14, 2011

Arrived in Fairbury

Arrived in Fairbury about 1:30 this afternoon.  I went right to my good friend Randy Sipek's farm.  First order of business was to unload my trailer.  When I exited my truck what was the first thing I heard?  One guess!  Yep, the yelping of snow geese.  The northward migration has started.  There are always a few early groups made up of the oldest birds.  They have made the journey many times and the breeding urge is driving them north. 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Endorph's but there is plenty of area to hunt sure you'll find another good spot if necessary.They are expecting big numbers of birds at Squaw Creek in about a week the same with some other guys in Missouri , can't wait Minar
