Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A quick update

Great day at the Church pond.  My group harvested 38 birds.  Petey and his gang hunted only half the day as they had to hit the road.  They bagged 17 before calling it quits.  55 for the day is not too shabby.

It was not a migration day.  We had light snow and low visibility this morning.  We saw a couple large flocks early but the rest of the day it was all small groups.  My theory is these were birds which have been in the area for several days.  They can't go too far north because of snow and frozen watersheds.  We should see the migration pick up again in day or two.  Temps are forecast to moderate and peak near 60 next week.  We are not seeing many Ross geese or juvie snows and blues and that is good thing.  Rossies and juveniles bring up the rear of the migration.  Once we start to see them in significant numbers there is usually 10-14 days left in the migration.

Stay tuned.  The really Big Show is coming soon to a pond near me!  Hope you are there too.

1 comment:

  1. Just returned home from an outstanding 3 day hunt with JJ and the crew our best hunt in 8 years we shot 93 birds in that time and had a hoot with AZ and Dani what great dogs JJ son and family were arriving as we left he was looking forward to that as it had been almost a month without seeing them Thanks so much for your efforts and friendship Paul
