Tuesday, March 27, 2012


 If you think pulling rabbits out of a hat or making white tigers disappear or having a tiger eat you for a snack is real magic, you would have to be impressed by the waterfowl season that we pulled off last year.

Our mallard hunting was very consistent throughout the season. My hunters bagged limits or near limits from mid-November through the end of the season on January 12th. The totals for the season saw a 15% increase over the 2010-2011 season.

The Canada goose season was a different story. We experienced unseasonably warm weather during the entire fall and winter. The geese did not follow their normal migration patterns because they didn't have to. The majority of our geese never made it past Montana. Some geese stayed in southern Saskatchewan the entire winter!

The annual Goshen County 2-Shot Goose Hunt is held the second weekend in December. During this year's event twenty seven geese were harvested compared to ninety seven geese last year. (This year's winning team hunted from WyoBraska Waterfowl's Lingle pit!)  At a recent Wyoming Game and Fish meeting, the Chief Waterfowl Biologist reported the annual aerial survey of Goshen County showed the lowest Canada goose count since 1993. In spite of the dismal numbers we harvested over 600 hundred geese.(sshh...lets keep that between us) Under those circumstances that is way better than making a stupid white tiger disappear.

I can't thank my incredible clients enough. Your support over the years is truly gratifying. Nearly every group has re-booked for next season, and several groups have added additional days to their hunt.

Thank you for making the 2011-2012 a very successful and rewarding season.

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