Sunday, January 8, 2012


If you have been following the blog (If not, why not?) you know I often write of friendships, belief in God and other cerebral musings. Friendships are a gift from God. If you are fortunate enough to have one or two close friends in your life you are truly blessed.

I have been blessed beyond mortal comprehension. I have unequivocally the best clientele in the world. Some of them have been hunting and/or fishing with me for years. Some go back to my days in Park City. Some have been hunting with me since I launched WyoBraska Waterfowl in Torrington. Some are good shots. Some are not. Some have become very close friends. In fact, Some have become spiritually close friends.

Some come to enjoy the spectacular sunrises. Some relish in the majesty of decoying mallards and Canada geese responding to the call. Some come for the stories and the 'man-time' in the pits and river blinds. Some come to enjoy the dog work.

Suffice to say I am blessed to have Some friends who pay me to take them hunting and fishing. Those Some are the perfect friend.

Better than Some?  None are better than my Some.

Allen Barber - Dr Lynn Wilcox
Better Than Some

1 comment:

  1. I`m not sure that "better than some" relates to the two dudes in the picture......we certainly didn`t receive that impression from how our shooting performance sometimes registered. We were simply fortunate to have shared four incredible days in heated pit blinds, sitting on swivel chairs, with guides that call geese from the heavens and stories that had no names attached but left us laughing to the point of side aches. Shirley`s dark chocolate chip cookies always help as well....this experience is WAY BETTER than yard work and leaves me with a smile on my face and dreaming about next year......LLW
