Wednesday, January 4, 2012

WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH.......yada...yada

WyoBraska Waterfowl continues to have a good season in spite of the low waterfowl numbers. Our goose numbers are well below normal. This time of year the Lingle Refuge would be holding 25-40 thousand geese. I estimate we have around 7 thousand. That being said, we have had only one total strike-out day. Our hunters have managed to bag many limits from the Lingle pit. Limits were taken as recently as 12/29 and 1/1.

Mallard numbers remain strong at Lingle, the river in NE and the lake. We hunted the river on 12/30 and 12/31 with the Hall brothers, Paul and Mike, and Alan Blum from Estherville, IA. They shot limits of mallards (all greenheads, I might add. Except for one 'friendly fire' hen. I won't say who shot it, but his name starts with P and ends with T) both days along with three bonus geese. This group was one of only three first time groups this year. I simply did not have room for anyone else. All other groups are return clients and for that I am very grateful.  By the way, both of the new groups who have hunted so far have re-booked for next year.

The weather has also been a real challenge this year. As I pen this report it is 61 degrees with light winds. As is common in most of the Midwest and West, we have had virtually no snow this year. We have had two rather benign snow events and surprise, surprise we had great mallard hunts on the river during the snow and an epic Canada-mallard shoot at Lingle. The lack of wind has been the other challenge. Day after day with little or no wind. Come on, this is Wyoming! The wind always blows here.

The mild weather is also responsible for our greatest challenge. Little or no migration. My contacts in southern Saskatchewan and Alberta report they still have open water and no snow.  They are covered with geese and ducks. Montana has 'stupid' numbers of geese and mallards. My sources there are having their best waterfowl season ever. I am so very happy for them. NOT! Send a few this way please.

No snow causes concern over lack of water and spring nesting success. We may go from record duck numbers to not so good in a year. However, things can change very quickly. So lets all pray for bad weather in Canada and especially Montana.

As always, you have my guarantee that WyoBraska Waterfowl will do our very best to provide you with a memorable hunting experience.

Pat Hall, Max, Rookie Guide, Alan Blum, Mike Hall, Nellie

"Jason & Michael, Thank you for a great hunt. You both did a great job of calling no matter what Al said about you. It was a very memorable trip and has to go down as one of my top hunts of a lifetime. Thank you again! Mike Hall."
 "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the mallards and geese that take our breath away!"

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