Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This will undoubtedly come as a shock to many of you, but the wind blows (read sucks) in Wyoming. Actually blows is an understatement. The wind howls in Wyoming.

Day after day we deal with 30+ mph winds. Day after day the wind gusts exceed 40 mph. Of course it only blows upstream so we have to push into it all day. If the Reef was at 800 cfs we would have to pull the boat downstream! When 3' rollers are breaking over the bow of the Clacka, it can be very interesting. The boys on the Wizard and Time Bandit couldn't handle it.

The trout could care less about what is going on above the surface. Their world is filled with prolific amounts of PMD nymphs, Baetis nymphs, scuds, worms, leeches, yellow sallies, golden stones, fillet Mignon, stone crab claws and a '97 Silver Oak. A feast for everyone. (Actually, my Dad will not share the Silver Oak. Sorry)

Fishing has been absolutely spectacular! here are a few pics from recent trips. Pay special attention to the 10" rainbow. Michele would not approve.

Deb Farmer 22" Rainbow

Wis, Guide and 22" Pig

23" Rainbow

10" morbidly obese Rainbow

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