Wednesday, November 16, 2011


On a recent episode of The Duck Commander, the crew had a tornado go through their duck woods. It uprooted hundreds of trees, but the collateral damage was far worse.  It took all the ducks.

We shot limits of mallards every day for the past ten days. After great hunts on the river on Friday and an equally great hunt on the lake on Saturday, we experienced 50 mph winds Saturday night and all day Sunday and Monday. At 5:00 am on Sunday morning as we headed east on Hwy 26 towards Morrill  it appeared as if we were herding tumble weeds. I am sure that I have never witnessed this many tumble weeds in such a mass migration.

The west wind not only caused the tumble weeds to migrate, it had the same effect on the wasn't that it took some of the ducks, it took them all. We never fired a shot on Sunday. The Kiowa refuge is six miles down river from our lease. The refuge that had been black with ducks for the past two weeks, was now empty. They were gone. Just like the Commander's ducks, the Wyoming tornado took JJ's.

The good news is that today, Tuesday, Kiowa was holding quite a few mallards.  Looks like the game might be back on.


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